Application and synthesis of HR frameworks in This American Life Custom Paper

Application and synthesis of HR frameworks in This American Life

This American Life is a long-form radio documentary that airs weekly on National Public Radio. Some of the shows deal directly with employment and personnel management. Listed below are several podcasts that you can listen to (you might find other that may be of interest):

Episode 419: “Petty Tyrant”
Episode 275: “Two Steps Back”
Episode 206: “Somewhere in the Arabian Sea”
Episode 140: “Family Business”
Episode 437: “Old Boys Network”
Episode 344: “The Competition”
Episode 303: “David and Goliath”
Episode 388: “Rest Stop”

Using the material presented in at least two of the podcasts, answer the following questions:

Identify the HR issue at play in the episode.
What have you learned over the semester related to the issue you identified?
How would you apply what you have learned from the course to what is presented in the podcast?

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