Fiction analysis

Select one or two of the short stories that have been specifically assigned from our literature textbook or have been specifically assigned as auxiliary reading within the lectures. THE SHORT STORY MUST BE ONE ON WHICH WEEKLY COURSE WORK QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED!!! As long as the short story has had questions assigned to submit for weekly course work, then it can be considered for the analysis.
Analyze the story or stories, using three secondary sources (in other words, at least three sources from research must be used). The analysis must focus on one of the literary terms that have been discussed; however, the literary term can have broad interpretation.
For example, an analysis of character in William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily” might explore how Emily’s character is doomed in her romantic relationships because of her relationship with her father. A more forthright analysis might be exploring foreshadowing in Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “The Cask of Amontillado.”
Ifyouchoosetwoshortstories,thenthetwoshortstoriesmustshowarelationship. For example, if you choose “A Rose for Emily” and “The Cask of Amontillado,” then you would pick one literary term (such as character) and relate it equally to both stories, such as performing a compare and contrast that performs a character analysis for the main characters of each story and showing how they are both doomed. This results in a single paper that explores a single topic for two literary works. DO NOT attempt to submit two papers on two different stories within one file and expect it to count as a single paper. The analysis must be one comprehensive and cohesive paper.
The following parameters for the assignment will help you structure both the content and the organization of the paper:
1. The paper MUST be submitted as an attached Microsoft Office file. Do NOT submit in the textbox. Do NOT send in an email.
Assignment 6-2: Fiction Analysis    Page 1 of 3    Instructor: Tammy Mata
2. The paper must be a minimum of 1200 words (paragraphs only), following the standard structure (an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph). Less than 1200 words results in a 50% deduction.
3. The paper MUST be formatted and documented MLA Style to include quotations from primary and secondary sources that are documented on the Works Cited.
4. The content of the paper must be analytical; it should NOT be a plot summary. This is critical! (However, brief explanation of the plot may be acceptable if it is supporting a point being made. Assume that the reader has read the story but is not familiar with the ideas being presented.)
5. Research must include three secondary sources that are listed on the Works Cited and quoted within the content of the paper. The primary source must also be listed on the works cited and quoted within the paper. Remember to format MLA Documentation Style, listing primary (the literary work itself) and secondary sources on the Works Cited and citing quotes from these sources with parenthetical citations or in-text citations.
6. Use a “block quotation” (also known as an “indented quotation”) for quotes of four and more lines.
7. The introductory paragraph should (a) identify the piece of literature by author and title of the story, (b) provide a statement of theme and (c) present the thesis statement, which should includethemajorpointstobecoveredinthebodyparagraphs. Donotusequotesfromprimary or secondary sources in the introductory paragraph.
8. The body paragraphs should elaborate on a point that extends from the thesis and provide support for that point by bringing in specific quotations from the text. Use at least one quote from a primary or secondary source per body paragraph. Quotes are meant to provide supporting details (evidence) to the main ideas being explored in the body paragraphs.
9.Theconcludingparagraphshouldsummarizepointsandmakeafinalcaseforthesis. Donot use quotes from primary or secondary sources in the concluding paragraph.
10. As in the answering of discussion questions, provide support for the point being made in each body paragraph, and that support should include brief quotations from the story or from secondary resources. Discuss the quotes in relation to the points being made. In other words, make a connection between the quote and the main idea–do not assume that the point is obvious.
11. The essay should be cohesive, as a complete whole, with all parts working together. In checking for cohesion, ask if its various parts work together to make ONE statement, or if they each work separately, going off in different directions. Remember that an essay is to revolve around and derive from the thesis statement.
12. Discuss literature in present tense (“Sammy is,” not “Sammy was”).
13. Give the author’s full name the first time you mention it, but thereafter, use only his or her last name, i.e., no titles.
Assignment 6-2: Fiction Analysis    Page 2 of 3    Instructor: Tammy Mata
Course: ENGL 1302
14. Always place the title of a short story or poem in quotation marks when used in a sentence.
15. Always italicize or underline (never both) the title of a longer work, such as a novel or play, when used in a sentence.
16. Do not use slang, contractions, and abbreviations. 17. Do not use the indefinite personal pronouns: “We, us, our, you, your.”
18. Do not make any reference to yourself (No “I, me, or my”) or to the paper (“this analysis” or “this paper”).
19. Do not begin a sentence with “I believe that” or “In my opinion,” etc.
20. Do not begin a sentence with “It is,” “there is,” or “there are.”
21. Avoid pronoun or verb agreement problems.
22. Avoid sentence illiteracies such as fragments, run-ons, comma splices, or illogical sentence structures.
23. Follow standard punctuation rules carefully; this is particularly true for quoted material and parenthetical citations.
24. Use appropriate and credible sources. Do NOT use encyclopedias, dictionaries, study guides, student papers, self-published articles, or blogs.

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