Identify and discuss three, long-term goals along with the steps necessary to achieve long-term goals, specifically, through well defined short term and intermediate goals.

In this paper you will identify and discuss three, long-term goals along with the steps necessary to achieve long-term goals, specifically, through well defined short term and intermediate goals.
Begin the paragraph by stating the long term.
Identify each statement as either long-term, short-term, or intermediate goals.
Be sure that the goals meet the criteria identified in the textbook, and from the handout, Setting Basic Goals and SMART goals.
PARAGRAPH I: Introduction

Give an overview of the content of the paper and identify your three long-term goals.

PARAGRAPH II: Long Term Personal Goal

Identify and discuss your long-term personal goal.
To accomplish this goal, begin by stating and discussing at least
One short-term goal
One intermediate goal.
The paragraph will answer the questions who, what, when, why, how.
Be sure that the goals meet the criteria stated on Setting Basics Goals.
PARAGRAPH III: Long Term Academic Goal

Identify and discuss your long-term academic goal.
To accomplish this goal, begin by stating and discussing at least
One short-term goal
One intermediate goal.
The paragraph will answer the questions who, what, when, why, how.
Be sure that the goals meet the criteria stated on Setting Basics Goals.
PARAGRAPH IV: The Long Term Career Goal

Identify and discuss your long-term career goal.
To accomplish this goal, begin by stating and discussing at least
One short-term goal
One intermediate goal.
The paragraph will answer the questions who, what, when, why, how.
Be sure that the goals meet the criteria stated on Setting Basics Goals.
PARAGRAPH V: Conclusion

Summarize the content of the paper and conclude by discussing how your work in college will help you accomplish these goals.

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