Industrial Ecolody

LCA Project 1

• Select any industry or process (please select any bottle water industry “hopefully to find local one (from UAE) and global one (anywhere)”)
• Within the selected industry/process, identify 2-3 potential areas where new designs or process alteration can be implemented for improvement. Then, identify 2 design alternatives for each of these areas.
•Assume that you are tasked to conduct a comparative LCA for each of the 3
mentioned areas to decide which of the 2 alternatives is more environment-friendly. At this stage, you are asked to identify the following components of your
• Goal and Scope
– What is the question you are trying to answer?
– Who would the expected audience be and what types of decisions would they be making?
– What is your functional unit?
– Your system boundaries?And how were they defined?
– What processing, use and disposal activities are included in your assessment?
– Provide a flowchart of processing, use and disposal activities
• The nature of your inventory data (what kind of inventory data you will need,? where will
you get it from? Etc)
• What limitations do you expect to face?

Please follow the below criteria very carefully
Projects: the main criteria for project grading are:
•Originality in the selection of the alternatives for the comparative LCA
•Creativity and depth in developing change scenarios for LCA comparisons (project 3)
•Inclusion of essential LCA elements (Functional unit, scope,
•Clarity of system description (including system boundaries)
•Thoroughness of inventory analysis
•Legitimacy of assumptions and their justification
•Quality and depth of results discussion (especially for impact assessment)
•Final recommendations (logic, clarity, support within study)
•Discussion of study limitations
•Data presentation (clarity, effectiveness, etc)
•Report formatting (including citations, language, effective utilization of page limit, etc)
•handling questions (during oral project presentations)

Please send me all the sources that you are going to use in my project

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