Complete the following on page 91-92: Exploration I and Exploration II. Choose three of the literary works to read, and base your responses to questions a-d upon your choices. Develop your responses to questions a-d into a full-length essay (no less than 750 words) that includes at least one example from each literary work.
You are encouraged to complete a first draft of the assignment then revise your work. Submit your final version to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)
A standard grading rubric is available in Course Tools –> Doc Sharing for this and all subsequent Writing Assignments and the Research Paper.
James, Missy, and Alan P. Merickel. Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 4th ed. Upper Saddle
River: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2011. Print. ISBN-13: 978-0-205-76642-0. ISBN-10: 0-205-76642-0.
***email me if additional information is needed!!!
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