Ricky Special need

Writer the instruction for this assignment is listed below. Please follow the direction as instructed. Please send everything back to me in the exact order. If you need to add cites please put them right under that section and not at the end.

Assignment 1
IDEA Procedural Safeguard # 1 Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Description: According to the Individual’s with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), all children are afforded the right to a free and appropriate public education. This means, that irrespective of a student’s education needs, under the law (i.e., IDEA), they are afforded the right to access a free and appropriate public education. At times, the extent of a student’s educational needs may extend outside of the range of educational services that their school district offers (e.g., students who may require a therapeutic day school placement but their school district may not have a therapeutic day school within the district). In this case, the school district would still responsible for meeting the educational needs of the students even if the student required an educational placement outside of their home school district. Visit FAPE online at http://www.fape.org/ for more information regarding this procedural safeguard.

Scenario: Michael has been referred for special education services after teachers and his parents had tried several problem-solving efforts within his current school and classroom to help meet his education needs. Results from Michael’s full case study evaluation suggest that he possesses behaviors consist with an emotional disability and requires special education services for more than 50% of his school day in order to help meet his educational needs. Michael’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) team decides that he requires a therapeutic day placement in order to meet his educational needs. An administrator within Michael’s home school district states that the school district does not offer a therapeutic day placement option for students and can only pay $3,000 for an out of district therapeutic day placement. Based on what you have learned about FAPE, write a short response to the school district’s decision regarding Michael’s placement (Is the school district correct? Why? Why not?)

Directions: Read the scenario below and then respond to the questions/statements which follow.
Required length – between 150-250 words.

Scenario: Sally is a 3rd grade student with an identified specific learning disability in the academic areas of reading comprehension and math reasoning. Sally requires a resource level of support whereby she spends the majority of her school day within her general education 3rd grade classroom. Sally spends at least 20% of her school day receiving specialized instruction in the areas of reading comprehension and math reasoning (i.e., the academic areas where her disability manifests itself). Sally’s specialized instruction may include small group instruction with the special education teacher outside or inside of her classroom.

Based on what you have learned about inclusion:
1. 1. Are Sally’s current special education services consistent with the inclusion model? Why? Why Not?
2. 2. What should Sally’s general education 3rd grade teacher do to help fully include her within the 3rd grade classroom?
3. 3. Find at least two good websites regarding special education inclusion within the general education classroom and list as well as, describe their website content.
Assignment 3
Inclusion ( 0 messages – 0 unread )
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This course includes weekly discussion forum dialogs. Forum assignments are required and will be graded. One “initial post” must be submitted to your instructor’s posted instructions by Wednesday. This response must be a minimum of 400 words. Two additional reply responses must be entered to classmates’ initial posts by Sunday. Each response must be a minimum of 200 words.

Inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom, is an important component of IDEA. Read arguments regarding inclusion (both pros and cons) from both of the websites listed below and write a response regarding inclusion and whether you believe it is an effective practice for children with special needs.
1) www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/archived/e521.html

2) http://www.sedl.org/change/issues/issues43.html

Forum #3 Week 3


One “initial post” must be submitted to your instructor’s posted instructions by Wednesday. This initial post must be a minimum of 400 words. Two additional reply responses must be submitted to classmates’ initial posts by Sunday. Each reply response must be a minimum of 200 words

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized as a disorder where children display deficits in: a) social interaction, b) verbal and nonverbal communication, and c) repetitive behaviors or interests (National Institute of Mental Health, 2007).
For this forum, visit the Autism Speak website (link below) and review the many tabs.
Review the:
1. Family Services tab and focus on one of the tool kits and
2. Science tab -and focus on one of the articles. Then answer the following questions:

1) Briefly compare and contrast the difference between information presented on the website and in the textbook (Chapter 11).

2) How can the information on this website practically impact families with a child with Autism

If clicking on the above link does not take you to the website you may:
1. Copy and paste the above URL into your favorite browser on your computer
2. Or, Search using your favorite browser using the phrase Autism Speaks or AustimsSpeaks.org

Forum #4 Week 5

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

One “initial post” must be submitted to your instructor’s posted instructions by Wednesday. This response must be a minimum of 400 words. Two additional responses must be entered to classmates’ initial posts by Sunday. Each reply response must be a minimum of 200 words

These posts must be substantive, meaning that they contribute to the conversation/discussion. You may not simply post that you agree or disagree with your classmate. Posts that do not meet the minimum word requirements will not be accepted for grading. All posts must be made by the posting deadline. Late or partial posts will not be accepted. Posting on-time facilitates the flow of the discussion board. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter. These instructions will apply to all discussion forums for this course.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approached used to help individuals understand more about how what they think can impact their behavior (i.e., what we do). CBT has been used as a treatment method for students with emotional disabilities.

Click the link below and read more about cognitive behavioral therapy and then write a response regarding whether you think CBT is an appropriate method of treatment for children with emotional disabilities and why.

Include in your post: a description of CBT, pros, cons, your thoughts on the effectiveness of this therapy.

What is CBT? This is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Forum #5 Week 6
Traumatic Injury
This course includes weekly discussion forums. Discussion forum assignments are required and will be graded. One “initial post” must be submitted to your instructor’s posted instructions by Wednesday. This response must be a minimum of 400 words. Two additional responses must be entered to classmates’ initial posts by Sunday. Each response must be a minimum of 200 words.

Many traumatic injuries can be prevented. ThinkFirst is an organization that addresses prevention (research and policy) of injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI) and other injuries. Explore the website and
1) Discuss a minimum of one prevention strategy to prevent TBI in children and youth

2) Discuss the role teachers and other school staff should play in the area of prevention. Should schools be responsible for prevention programs? If not who?
Link: http://www.thinkfirst.org/home.asp

Forum #6 Week 7
Communication Disorders
This course includes weekly discussion forum dialogs. Discussion forum assignments are required and will be graded. One “initial post” must be submitted to your instructor’s posted instructions by Wednesday. This response must be a minimum of 400 words. Two additional responses must be entered to classmates’ initial posts by Sunday. Each response must be a minimum of 200 words.

Please read the scenario below and respond to the following questions:
Jane is a first grade student who appears to be experiencing both expressive and receptive language difficulties. More specifically, Jane experiences problems with verbally communicating both socially and in academic situations as well as actually understanding what others say to her and following directions. Jane’s grades have started to slip at school and Jane is showing signs of frustration and other behavior issues. The teacher has not contacted her parents, or consulted with other teachers or specialist staff about interventions she could do for Jane to help her. Jane’s teacher is very concerned and wants to refer Jane for an evaluation for a specific learning disability.

1) Should Jane’s teacher be recommending her for an evaluation related to a specific learning disability? Why? Why not?
Include in your discussion:
• Definition of a specific learning disability,
• Definition of a speech and language disability
• The process before referral/ evaluation
• Your thoughts and experiences within this area
Any other discussion you would like to contribute regarding this topic

2) What interventions in the classroom could Jane’s teacher implement in order to help Jane with her expressive and receptive language problems? Be as specific as you can regarding types of interventions.

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