This is an analysis paper between the movie Animal House and the author being Eric Hoover.
Choose one of the two essays listed below. These essays are found in your yellow essay book – “Living, Learning, and Composing in College Cultures.” You will be writing a textual “analysis” of the essay you choose. Your “Analysis” essay should start with an Introduction paragraph, including a thesis sentence. Then, write a very short Summary of the essay – one paragraph will do. You will just want to state the main idea in the essay. Your Analysis of the essay will follow, along with a Conclusion paragraph. (Use “Summary,” “Analysis,” and “Conclusion” as headings.) You will also add a “References” page at the end.
Remember – the analysis section of your paper will talk about the techniques used by the writer (strategy used, formal or informal voice, use of pathos and/or logos, how ethos established, etc.) You can use examples from the actual essay to demonstrate each technique that you identify. Also, discuss your thoughts on the purpose for writing this essay, and who you think the audience is. Be sure to answer the “Why?” to each of these areas – Why do you think the purpose is ____________? Why do you think the audience is __________? Also, what can you find out about the author? Does this contribute to his credibility (ethos) or help establish his purpose for writing this essay?
This essay will again be 3 written pages in length, plus a over page and a References page – 5 pages in total. You will be using the APA presentation style. Additionally, the entire paper needs to be in the formal, third person voice. Be sure to be prepared for your rough draft Peer Review when scheduled, and then follow up with 2 more additional edits (Writing Center and Expert). These are similar to the Summary and Response paper requirements, except the entire paper must be in third person voice.
You will find below some very important downloaded guidelines for your Analysis paper. Please read these to assist you in writing this paper. Not all questions will apply to your essay. Use the guidelines/questions/scaffold only as stimulus for writing your analysis. Be sure to remember that you are evaluating the writer and essay itself, not the topic.
Choose one of these 2 essays:
“‘Animal House'” at 30: O Bluto, Where Art Thou?,” by Eric Hoover, p. 61
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