email marketing

The Report must contain (3000-4000+ words, or more): Meeting minimum requirements will result in a B+.

1. Title – page
2. Table of Content
3. Structured Abstract (no references), see example at:
4. Introduction/Literature Overview, Importance of Research (40+ references)
a. What did I learn about Marketing? (150-300 own words)
b. Collect and quote definition of Marketing (up to 800 words) and discuss with cases.
c. Add list of 5-10+ definitions you have found in articles (use quote and cite with page number)
5. Research Methodology/design/approach: Review-Centric Research (LePine & Wilcox-King, 2010) e.g. conceptual research (Meredith, 1993), (Dreher, 2000), action research (Winter, 1987), case study research(Perry, 1998), (Eisenhardt, 1989), (Yin, 2003), grounded theory, ethnography (Schultze, 2000), emic/etic research etc.
6. Build Model using Power Point template on BlackBoard and integrate into MS word document
7. Explanation of Model and analytical Reflection on its factors and goal (Schön, 1983)
a. At least one article must be from the “Journal of Marketing”
b. Explain each causal link in the model (explain each hypothesis, its virtue, importance and impact)
c. Explain the causal impact of each factor (independent variable) on the goal/objective (independent variable)
d. Define the independent and dependent variables by citing two or more references)
8. Importance of Model/Research and Potential Impact on Organization/Society/Recommendations/Implications
a. Summarize importance of 5.
9. Conclusion/Discussion (including: Lessons Learned, Impact on Organization/Society)
10. The student must properly use and cite in the text 40 references in the paper – 30-60 references are the norm.
11. References listed in mandatory APA-style.
12. Appendix1:
Write a section about the Scientific Method: Ch1 (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) (add/use 5+ references)
a. What is the Scientific Method? (300-500 words from quoted material and comment on quoted material in your own words)
b. Collect and quote definitions and discuss underlying Philosophies
c. Make a table of definitions you have found in articles (use quote and cite with page number)
13. Appendix2:
Write a section about the Relations: Ch5 (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) (add/use 5+ references)
a. What is the Relations? (300-500 words from quoted material and comment on quoted material in your own words)
b. Write about dependent and independent variables of the model on page 99
c. Collect and quote definitions and discuss underlying Philosophies
d. Make a table of definitions you have found in articles (use quote and cite with page number)

(you must use EndNote)

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