Case 1
Identify one concept/law/issue from each of three different text chapters (11,12,13). Based on the case that follows, relate the “points” you selected from each chapter to the case.
You could discuss what “went wrong” and “what should have been done” and “what action(s)could Hoffer have pursued”?
Identify each chapter as a sub-head to your paper.
Reference pg. #’s from the text.
Paper length = 2 ½ pages (Header, 12 point Arial/Calibri, 1” margins)
The *Case 1* is attached.
I will post the book chapters 11,12,13 later
Case 2
is based on Ch. 13. page. 376, Application 13.3 – Rescuing Fly High (is attached)
A “key” will be understanding Exhibit 13.2, pg. 350.
Page 362, Exhibit 13.5 is an example
Paper length = 1 – 1 ½ pages
Case 3
Write a press release following a “crisis.” The release must ONLY go to the print and/or electronic news “press,” following guidelines on pg. 403 (is attached).
YOU write the release as the President of Spree Cruise Lines, Carnival Cruise Lines of Korea InterIsland Ferries. The release should be written in paragraphs of 5-8 lines each, presenting “who, what, when, where, why, how” and finishing with “what you, the CEO, plan to do about the crisis and disaster.”
The information base is Ch. 14
You have choices for the “crisis” for your response, choose only ONE:
1. pg. 47, Application 2.2 and pg. 401, Application 14.1;
2. Google the details of either of the Carnival Cruise disasters in Italy 2 years ago;
3. Google the details of the recent ferry boat sinking in S. Korea.
Paper length = 1 – 1 ½ pages
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