Judging by the texts assigned thus far in this course, does recent scholarship on heterosexuality suggest that heterosexuality contributes to oppression based on ability, age, class, gender, and race?

Answer the following questions, using a minimum of six course readings assigned from 9 January through 26 February.
Maximum length: 1500 words (excluding citations, notes, and bibliographies).
Note that although the assignment indicates that you must use a minimum of six course readings, the assigned questions refer more generally to all of the course readings, which means that you should choose your texts wisely and you may want to refer to additional course readings in the main text, citations, or notes. Please assume a reader who is intelligent but not familiar with the texts assigned; this means that you need to provide a brief introduction to each reading (referencing author, title, subject, and argument). The paper is due at the beginning of class (8:30 p.m.). You may only use readings not assigned in class with the permission of the course director. Your grade will be based on :
(1) the strength of your thesis,
(2) your success in using evidence, argument, and logic to support your thesis,
(3) your success in showing that you comprehend the main arguments and contributions of the course readings you discuss,
(4) the quality of your writing, and
(5) your success in meeting the terms of the assignment

course reading :


Student papers should include a cover page that provides the title of the paper; the course number, title, and instructor name; the date of submission; and the student name. Each page of the paper should have one-inch margins on the left and right. Pages should be numbered, beginning with the first page (not the title page). The text should be double-spaced, except for long quotations, which should be single-spaced. The font should be 12 point.

Proper Names and Pronouns

When referring to a person’s name, use the complete name in the first instance and then use just the last name in subsequent instances. Similarly, when referring to the title of a book or article, use the complete title in the first instance and then a short title in subsequent instances. When using pronouns, refer to people as he, she, or they; refer to things (including organizations made up of people) as it (not they).

Book and Article Titles
Book and periodical titles should be placed in italics or underlined. Article titles should be placed in quotation marks.

All direct and paraphrased quotations should be attributed in the main text and cited in parentheses or footnotes. Attribution requires that you use this type of phrasing:
According to Adrienne Rich, “….”
Gayle Rubin argues in “Thinking Sex” that “….”
Anne Koedt’s essay states, observes, declares, concludes, or emphasizes that “….”
The Trouble with Normal by Mary Louise Adams shows that “….”
Remember that sometimes it can be very effective to quote individual words and short phrases rather than long passages.

Paragraph Topic Sentences and Conclusions
Most of your paragraphs should (1) begin with a topic sentence that makes the main point of the paragraph, (2) then provide examples and evidence to support your point, and (3) conclude with a final sentence that completes the paragraph. Avoid concluding sentences that provide premature transitions to the next paragraph.

Copyediting, Spell-Checking, and Proofreading
All papers should be spell-checked, copyedited, and proofread. It can be very helpful to read your paper aloud to catch your mistakes. It is also useful to print your papers before copyediting and proofreading them.

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