Module 7

1. Complete the above readings.

2. Use the Dunn and Dunn’s learning style element on page 122 in Bastable to identify your preferred elements when studying,

3. Read the attached document describing Kolb’s learning styles

4. Access the web site and conduct the Kolb learning style assessment to determine your learning style

5. On Forum discuss your preferred learning style and the elements that influence your ability to study/learn.

6. Describe how you will try to avoid the pitfall of relying too heavily on your style and elements when developing the teaching project. this is the link where the Kolb learning inventory-self assessment on paper was found March 2011

Bastable, S.B. (2008). Nurse As Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. 3rd ed., Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Read chapter 4


Any article of your choice that addresses this topic. There are numerous research studies on this topic.

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