At least 8 full pages and no more than 12 pages of text, plus endnotes, illustrations, etc.
II. Topic:
The purpose of the term paper is to allow you to explore a topic in greater depth than is possible in course lectures and to show your mastery of basic sources and ideas. Therefore, choose a topic that interests you. It may be a single work of art or building, a specific group of objects or buildings, an artist or architect, a patron, a style, a technique, or subject matter. The only restrictions are that the topic must not be so broad as to be impossible to cover adequately cover in the context of a term paper and that you have a point about this to make in your paper that can be found in the thesis statement. For this reason it is required that your topic is approved by the instructor. This will be done when you hand in the Term Paper Proposal. If you fail to turn in the proposal the instructor may refuse to accept your term paper later on if the subject is not appropriate.
III. Research:
Good research is essential to the production of a good term paper and it is expected that you will consult as many books and scholarly articles as possible. As a help to your research, a preliminary outline with thesis statement and bibliography for your paper will be due by the end of the first month (see schedule).
Start with the books on course reserve. These have good information and detailed notes and bibliographies. Use the bibliographic databases available on the BYU library website. On the HBLL homepage you will see the database window where you will find the following databases:
Art Index Retrospective
Avery Index to Architecture
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
L’Anneé philologique
Use them.
Wikipedia – it is ok to look at, but it is not considered a serious research tool; therefore, do not include Wikipedia articles in your bibliography or cite them in your notes.
Other websites: There are some good ones, but most are iffy; therefore no more than two should be used and cited. Articles in JSTOR are okay as they were originally published in peer-reviewed journals.
A good paper will use scholarly books and articles and use as many as can be found.
IV. Presentation:
Font: Use Times or NewTimesRoman, 12 point
Margins: 1” top and bottom; 1.25” left and 1.00” right
Double space
Do not insert an extra space between paragraphs.
Include page numbers; numbering begins with first page of text, not the title page.
One of the following “Style Guides” should be used:
Art Bulletin –
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians – click on JSAH
and the “Notes for Contributors”
The Chicago Manual of Style
V. Format:
Your paper should contain the following:
1. Separate Title Page
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