Week 3 DQ2

This Discussion tests your ability to use a ruler and convert from Standard English measure to Metrics. You will then apply your knowledge of the geometric measurements of area and volume through real world problems.

Choose a room in your house. Measure the length, the width, and the height. Make sure you use feet and inches. Most rooms are not a whole number, such as 10 feet; they are 10 feet and 3 inches, or 9 feet 6 inches, etc.
: Do not use decimal numbers for the feet. For example, do not write 10.3 to mean 10’3”, because that is incorrect. Convert the measurements to all inches for step 2, and then convert back to square feet for step 3. Record your dimensions and, using the appropriate formula, find the surface area of the room. A gallon of paint covers about 350 square feet. How many gallons would be required to paint the room? Round up to the nearest gallon. If a gallon of paint costs $22.95 plus 8% tax, what would be the total cost to paint the room? One inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters. Convert your English measurements to metrics. Record each dimension in centimeters. Show your conversions. Find the volume in cubic centimeters. Be neat and precise. If each dimension (length, width, and height) is doubled, what happens to the volume of the room?  Show your work. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Review their calculations and determine if their results seem reasonable for the size of the room.

Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

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