Problems Causing Obesity
Bagchi, D. (2010). Global perspectives on childhood obesity: Current status, consequences and prevention. London: Academic.
This source mainly focuses on obesity issues that are faced by children, which is an important factor because it seeks to improve the health of future lives by preventing the negative effects of obesity to affect the children, as they become adults. Although the book only tends to focus on children’s health, on the other hand, this can be a good thing because children are more vulnerable to suffer from these negative implications than adults are since their immune system is not completely developed. This means that it focuses on a group that is at a greater risk of suffering the consequences of being overweight and hence it will help me to give important facts about the problems of obesity. The book is reliable because it exhausts on obesity by giving its causes, problems and means of prevention. It is also recent because it was published in the year 2010 and gives proof of obesity since they target scientists, nutrition and medical experts when discussing global obesity issues. The source also offers access to other books that relate with the same topic such as Obesity Prevention and Management of Childhood obesity.
Emmis Communications (2011, May/June). Play Hard, Work Hard: Cutting physical education in order to boost test scores has the opposite effect, studies show. The Alcade, 99, 23
This magazine is set for people in different professions to share ideas about experiences and any knowledge they have on their career field such as engineering, health, art, journalism, law and many others. Most of them are alumni and students of the University of Texas. The problem of this content is its limitation in the education aspect where it is focusing on physical education. It will help one in research because it explains how denial of physical education reduces academic progress and hence show how obesity negatively affects education. It is very reliable because the information includes articles posted by professionals from different career fields and have been to a higher institution of learning such as a university. The information is current as it was written in the present year and is easily accessible in bookshops or through the internet. The source only gives additional information by referring to professors or websites created by students.
Finkelstein, E., & Zuckerman, L. (2008). The fattening of America: How the economy makes us fat, if it matters, and what to do about it. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
This book reveals how America’s economy is behind the reason why obesity is increasing in the country. It explains how the government has reduced prices in food that is high in fat because of offering the producers subsidies. The information is reliable because it has been written by an economist of health who in his career studied and researched on obesity economy. The book is also easy to find in bookstores, libraries or online. The data is easy to read and understand because it has been clearly explained using examples. The source also refers one to get additional information from newspaper articles that report on food prices.
Mooney, L. A. (2001). Understanding social problems. Scarborough, OT: Nelson Thomson Learning.
This book gives information about the social problems faced by students such as drug addiction, family relationships, and poverty and health issues. This is going to be of great help to one’s research because it will help me discuss on the issue of obesity by explaining how it has become an immense health issue in the third world and well-developed countries. The source is reliable as it analyzes the problem of obesity from a political to a social level. The information is up to date since it was published in 2001 and is easy to read and access as long as one is able to access the internet or visit the library. Data is also well explained with statistical facts and examples that makes it easy to read and understand. It also gives references of additional information from journals and other newspaper articles from other countries.
OECD. (2005). Health at a glance: OECD indicators 2005. Paris.
This book contains information about the trend of improvement in the prevention and treatment of diseases in an organization made up of countries that are economically developed known as the OECD. The United States of America is among them. It includes a segment to do with overweight and obesity among children and this will help one get information about the causes of obesity. The information derivative is reliable because it is diverse since it is based on different countries and is up to date as the book was published in 2005. The book is also easily accessible in bookstores, libraries or online. The information contained is easy to read and understand and it gives medical facts on how children facing obesity are at greater risk of developing life-threatening diseases such as diabetes. It also refers one to books with additional information that is related to obesity and is published by the same company.
Smith, P. K. (2009). Obesity among poor Americans: Is public assistance the problem?Nashville, TN: VanderbiltUniversity Press.
This source talks about how the American government encourages obesity by making foods high in fat easily accessible. It explains how public assistance programs such as food stamps are offered to needy people to gain easy access to cheap fast food causing obesity. The problem is that it only explains how the government contributes to obesity but does not go into well-explained details of obesity such as the causes or prevention mode. It gives important information of different trends of obesity in different parts of America and this will help one give proof of how its negative effects are of great danger. The book is reliable because it focuses on important groups such as the government and their influence on obesity. It is also up to date because it was published in 2009 and easy to be found either online or in the institution library. It gives proof of government statistics that reflect on the issue of obesity in poverty and may refer a researcher to find other related facts in other books that have used in the in text citations.
World Health Organization (2011). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Obesity and overweight. Retrieved from
This source is a website of an organization that is the head of the health department in the United Nations. They set global health standards, conduct research and provide different countries with medical facilities to cater for health issues. The strength of this website is that it provides one with a wide variety of information since its research is based on different parts of the world. The only problem is that it gives too many statistics rather than explanatory statements. However, it can be of great use to one’s research because not only does it provide a general overview of the obesity problems suffered in America, but also in other parts of the world. This makes it to be very reliable because it is able to give realistic facts about obesity. The information obtained is current since it was published in 2011 and is accessible through the internet. One can also refer one to more information by receiving free downloads of documents that explain more about obesity.
Bagchi, D. (2010). Global perspectives on childhood obesity: Current status, consequences and prevention. London: Academic.
Emmis Communications (2011, May/June). Play Hard, Work Hard: Cutting physical education in order to boost test scores has the opposite effect, studies show. The Alcade, 99, 23
Finkelstein, E., & Zuckerman, L. (2008). The fattening of America: How the economy makes us fat, if it matters, and what to do about it. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Mooney, L. A. (2001). Understanding social problems. Scarborough, OT: Nelson Thomson Learning.
OECD. (2005). Health at a glance: OECD indicators 2005. Paris.
Smith, P. K. (2009). Obesity among poor Americans: Is public assistance the problem? Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
World Health Organization (2011). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Retrieved from
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