Last year, Edward Snowden revealed information about the scale and details of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA)’s global surveillance operation. Perhaps most noteworthy is the NSA’s vast access to communications data of American citizens, including phone records and online information. Is this a violation of Americans� constitutional rights? In your paper you should discuss both positions, taking into account the specifics of the NSA’s operations, any relevant constitutional concerns, and the applicability of the constitution to the modern world.
Requirements and Tips:
The requirements are as follows: 6-8 pages of actual text, minimum of 5 sources, 12-point font (Times or Times New Roman), 1-inch margins, and double-spaced. This does not include any title or reference pages. Short papers generally lose 10 points per page that they are short. Papers need to follow APSA Format Guidelines, include in-text citation (not footnotes) and a reference list. Students do not need to include an abstract.
The quality of Internet sources varies, so be careful when using these types of sources. Also, just because someone says something does not mean that it is true. If your source says that someone or something was great or important, or something along those lines, ask yourself, relative to what?
Do not use online or printed encyclopedias as a source for your paper. This means that you are not to use Wikipedia, Answers.Com, or similar sources. Use of these non-credible sources will receive significant score reductions.
Do not use contractions in formal academic writing.
Spell check your document but remember that spell check does not catch the differences between homophones (e.g., their/there, role/roll, etc.).
Grammar/syntax/mechanics matter! Excessive mistakes that interfere with our ability to read and understand your essay will result in a significant score reduction.
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